February 01, 2025 Order/Ticket Number: 0133443 You will see your technician details on the day of your appointment. Yesterday, when I woke up, my oven light was blinking, overnight, the power went out and came back. My CenturyLink internet was fine but I had no dial tone on my phone. I called and the automated service scheduled a tech visit on Feb 1. Hours later the phone service came back. I got a text from Centurylink that said to reply with "fixed" if everything was OK and the scheduled tech visit would be canceled, I thought that would be tne end of it. I went on my account web pages which still had the active tech visit scheduled. When I scheduled the visit yesterday, the recording said that if everything was OK and I didn't cancel the tech visit, I would be charged $95. So, on the website today I tried to cancel. On the first attempted, it did nothing with no verification. On the 2nd attempted, it asked me for my zip code and then reported successful cancel but after I refreshed the web page, it showed that the appt was still there. I did that 2 more times. I then called 800 244 1111 pushed the button to get to tech support and got billing instead. They couldn't even check the cancel status. They forwarded me to tech support who, after I verified myself, took about 15 to 20 minutes to try to cancel. they eventually reported that it was canceled, so I asked them to send me an email verification of this. They tried and said that their email was broken so I asked to talk to supervisor who might have better email. The supervisor had the same issues with email. They said that there was no way to verify the cancelation to me but said the web would reflect the cancelation in 2 to 3 hours, that was over 5 hours ago and the website still shows the active appointment. When the tech shows up, I have no proof that I attempted to cancel the appt. The texting service did not cancel my appt. The website did not cancel my appt. The tech agent did not cancel my appt. The supervisor did not cancel my appt. Here is what the web page says: February 01, 2025 Order/Ticket Number: 0133443 You will see your technician details on the day of your appointment. How do I cancel this appt? How do I get verification that it is canceled, no email yet. The only emails are ALERT: A device signed into your account and How was your interaction with CenturyLink? // this survey. Noting yet on the cancelation. 1110 E Karcher Rd Nampa, ID H0YL85YXP3WC https://www.google.com/search?q=H0YL85YXP3WC Limited Warranty Expires: June 25, 2025 811 ticket number 042068 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Uu8m51vtOOA 208 608 7460 https://bill.paystation.com/boise/ home depot: 2 hose caps jalopay jungle: battery cables envoy seatbelt kumar patel merimac tires lt 215/85r16 6.5-16lt crackly 8.0r16.5lt 6.5-16lt amazon prime My Watchlist Very Frightening Tales 7 short tales Like a dragon 2024 yakusa show three-body milatary conspriicy the tomorrow job time travel for heist other life drug causes different realities lost voyage 2002 25 years missing from bermuda triangel the ss corona queen reappears deep in the valley two guys to alt universe abigail hbo max primal warrior 19th century san friscisco rival china town gangs your worst nightmare 44 min stories 6 SEASONS falling skies alien invasion movioe netflix squidgame warrior of the future alien year 2055 arcane aname disney the bad batch nightbitch fall couple get stranded on tall radio tower dirs access time temporary-placeholder https://fabtech.net/?gad_source=5&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlZbnwKvQigMV8RR2Bh1YOTduEAEYASAAEgJMN_D_BwE refurb solar panels 2x6 hd (2025/01/15-18:24:13) 10 10.62 9.56 for 50 10.77 12 12.48 11.23 for 50 12.91 14 14.62 13.16 for 50 16 16.62 14.96 for 50 16.98 4x8 osb 7/16 17.78 or 16 for 68 19/32 22.20 or 19.98 for 48 23/32 29.76 no ;buldk deals TG 2x6 10ft 11.397 or 9.58 for 50 3.82 3.81 2x6 12 ft 14.34 or 11.47 for 50 4.588 4.49 2x6 14 fr 16.692 13.30 for 50 5.32 5.26 2x6 16 ft 18.87 or 15.10 for 50 6.04 5.98 WW5ZC-MT3XP property tax confirmation the P&D training includes introducing show stoppers as a filter to save work due to .. https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/local/community/boise/article296817254.html city pay personalcapital.com 1-855-756-4738 ability jobs (575) 448-4660 kn-23 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4Q2NLaS5BlE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYqYBZHozjY pex a and b https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWgaP90CGmo covid. shingles suggested 9.1 dennon x3700h x4700h city gas questions do I have to do the final 3/4 to meter bar? tp 2nd button - up arrow change numbs to 39 and 0 using last button (left number) down arrow to right number hit next then use thermo as wifi AP 220 switch Aisle 06, Bay 015 220 20 breaker Aisle 05, Bay 018 cerial frozables ben questions can we hook up johnson furnace? when tightening, how many turns from just enough to breaking best methodology for sealing, goop on tape? 100,000 loan 6.75% 648 payment 7374 loan cost 90500 7.75 716 monthly payment 4919 loan cost 93000 4 in stock Aisle 08, Bay 005 city inspector Ben linvingston 208 576-1208 18 inches in the air 250 but meter 2 inch pipe on sediment traps email of Ingrid Robeyns (limitarism) i.a.m.robeyns@uu.nl A good conservative argument https://www.idahostatesman.com/opinion/article295154979.html?tbref=hp gas teflon tape 98 in stock Aisle 08, Bay 005 vote place Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints 7200 DUNCAN LN do a Ctrl-F " door" 20 of 26 occurance of door https://codes.iccsafe.org/content/IRC2018P7/chapter-24-fuel-gas dawn ranch dressing spuds amphetam/dextroamp er 20mg cap burelpharm brown screws eggs facebook date api https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/706904 https://www.discogs.com/developers/#page:marketplace,header:marketplace-listing-get gas guy brad 208 377-6810 Boise Urban Garden School BUGS https://www.boiseurbangardenschool.org/ 2995 N Five Mile Rd Boise, ID 83713 Wednesday, October 30, 2024 from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM (MT) _________________________________________________________ ht-z9f sa-z9r chrome://password-manager/checkup/compromised home depot prices T - 3.42 4" - 3.23 8" - 6.57 12" - 5.87 ??? 3/4 to 1/2 - 4.13 cap - 2.38 tape 1" wall pipe 1 to 1/2" reducer T - 3 -- 10.26 small (4") - 9 -- 29.07 valve - 2 -- 16 bought cqp - 3 -- 7.14 elbo 2 -- got 0 medium pipe 2 2014 Fiat 500E 3C3CFFGE1ET225218 cmax 1600 trade in $3,784 $4,344 $4,775 $5,033 private party $6,872 $7,962 $8,800 $9,303 1" wall pipe 10 mil tape 1 to 1/2" reducer small pipe T piece small pipe valve small pipe T small pipe cap small pipe cap small pipe valve small pipe T small pipe cap small pipe elbow medium pipe elbow medium pipe No it's new R-22. I used to be Chief Engineer at a hotel in downtown Boise. I had to change out all of the HVAC units in the ceiling but every once in a while the old units could be saved by filling them with R-22 freon refridgerant. After changing out about 28 units a gentlemen who would come fill the units for me gave me the refridgerant. Told me to learn the gauges and how to fill them so he could hire me as an apprentice. I was never able to purchase the gauges. home theater https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=a%3aminimumviablehomes.com&run=toolpage bob denon avr-s530bt avr-x4700h from green house small star screws microphone hbo max // ctl 'my list' for my stuff the third-day save yourselves couple take trip and fight aliens amazon (Start watching: My Watchlist in middle) like a dragon killer heat zebraman three-body llamageddon a living dog man vs machine 3 star disney (my list is a menu item) American horror stories starting with episode 5 nightmare alley guillermo del toro 1940's the dropout elizabeth homes and theranos https://www.homedepot.com/p/FORMICA-4-ft-x-8-ft-Laminate-Sheet-in-Ice-Onyx-with-Artisan-Finish-074081243408000/308728063#overlay router with ball bearing piloted bit wich can be adusted to the thickness of the laminate to for fresh cut for a nice flush cut thene file rough edges for top use dowel rods to install correct6ly ------------- tomorrow running around ----------------------- look at charging station look at car oraange white - common-power-suppy common thermostat other-whites orange 24V-power supply red-thermostat white green - switch common other-white green switch hot fanG-theromstat whiteblue common blue heat white 1P:A$R:4$S:09AA01AF3319136V$L:6416660000BD3408$W:641666B0BFD8$C:MLJ2HT$ (2024/10/11-15:58:08) 102 427 159 806 new apple case number whatsapp (2024/10/11-14:43:16) on new call 800 331-0500 before 55:15 talk about att no att on top exct after search cant txt how to setup myfi apple help 800 676-2775 // (2024/10/10-17:45:30) Microsoft 800-642-7676 cse number for apple 102427159806 107:00 2x6 at hd bulk pricing 50+ qty 8 9.34 10 9.02 12 10.82 14 12.34 16 14.10 bllue imsg green SMS red pocet phone 208 861-8979 1024 2715 9806 6148 S Roaring River Ave graphics links 400 N Benjamin LnBoise, ID 83704 The Boise Neighborhood Interactive community conference Saturday, October 19, 2024 at Jack’s Urban Meeting Place (JUMP). (2024/09/17-14:53:01) 3.0 / 12 / 287-251 / 277-261 red polls Rasmussen Reports Atlas Intel New York Times/Siena College Echelon Insights Fox News CNBC https://www.electoral-vote.com/evp2024/Pres/pres_polls.csv thurs oct 10 1:45pm photo id and insurace card ehpim@saintalphonsus.org 208 302-6000 dr edward davila 323 e riverside drive suit 224. 2011 Smart Fortwo Passion Cabriolet Convertible https://www.trucksandauto.com/auctions/23817/lot/251949704-2011-smart-fortwo-passion-cabriolet-convertible cmax 1300 $2,138 $2,491 $2,763 $2,926 $4,698 $5,589 $6,275 $6,686 https://blackoutbreakerdefense.com/order/checkout?utm_source=vta1&utm_medium=yt&utm_campaign=ob_twdb_vta1_826 https://smhotstuff.com/pages/high-precision-sm-slingsh0t-with-l-a-s-e-r?utm_medium=homepage-click Rasmussen, Polymarket, Echelon Insights. 208 302-6000 322 riverside drive eagle michel roach dr amber hackenburg same number dr loral desoggi 9510 plaza drive eagle id 208 274-9580 hbo max // ctl 'my list' for my stuff the watchmen the plot against america high-rise the third-day save yourselves the franchise amazon (Start watching: My Watchlist in middle) zebraman three-body llamageddon parallel i am virgo a living dog disney (my list is a menu item) boss level agatha all along nightmare alley the dropout index.php line 5 <div id='menu-header --> not <div id='div-header'> 2 medium to large cucumbers 1/3 cup white vinegar 1/3 cup warm water 1/4 cup granulated sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper tripple cuke 1 cup white vinegar 1 cup warm water 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper forscan: look at config/midules/profiles tabs from main (car button) -- screenshot it go to test page (checklist button ) and screenshot all available tests go to services page (spanner button) and screenshot all services available got to config (chip button) and do snap of page run pid page for 10 seconds and save to file 2017 tesla model x lot # 600 2003 F350 dually lot 600a garage led lilght M8 125 tv mount holes mm CHICKEN MEATBALLS lb ground chicken egg onion 2 cloves garlic, minced oregano salt pepper 2 tablespoons cooking fat otc vitafit vt1703 scale (2024/07/14-17:44:09) https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/you/selling 249 clicks on white truck cl 2024-07-12 -- Payment ID: 280392754 for 7/12 ad for f450 986 268 5407 XDP10 https://www.xtremediesel.com/diesel-site-wicked-wheel-2-ww64c 10 dollar coupon 2007 ford dualy with progressive markdown text (208) 513-7202 white truck guy -- 208 810 9977 (2024/06/19-03:05:08) 12.6 v 208 570-0079 welder services in boise training David Gish 775-846-8012 mobile welding conley welding 208 5764679 automotive welding tips Horsepower Inc adam breaker map 12B chamber computer/front door outlet 4B all bedroom and cutting room lights in area 6a bathroom light 6b black romex going to west mid cut room outlet home depot gloves tomato plants after tuesday may 7 look at hardware for bolt extractors medium and large star screws 4" furnace exhaust ring socket adapter 1/2 to 3/8 look at routing tables cabinet tops medicine cabinets 19' 5.5" -7" -18' 10.5" 18' 10.5" -12 = 6' 10.5 12' 6' 5.25 " 3' 1/8" each scotch tape shelf parts 3535 copper lines 3818 scaffold 3521 spport confirmation code: CM-NP Amcrest Customer Service Phone Number (888) 212-7538, Email, Help Center.Mar 14, 2024 number from amazon site 888-212-7538 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/19_SunIlRsr3Aa4Hr5wlI0K8ChidBNI7nrUKHyQJ8ReI/edit#slide=id.p amazon prime ImAVirgo max: lastWeekE7 royal crackers 2011 enclave 5GAKVCED9BJ156205 Address: 24224 Richway Dr, Caldwell, ID 83607 Hours: Open ⋅ Closes 5 PM Phone: (208) 570-1697 Cmax 1300 trade in $1,997 $2,325 $2,578 $2,729 private party $3,357 $3,976 $4,453 $4,739 866 321-8851 echo help https://www.google.com/search?q=AMC046E918C0C4A1D7&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac https://www.google.com/search?q=AMC065C628B8E8B44B&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#sbfbu=1&pi=AMC065C628B8E8B44B cyber truck sales car guru https://www.cargurus.com/Cars/l-Used-Tesla-Cybertruck-d3353 (2024/06/12-20:07:20) 252 110.9k to 199k kelly blue book https://www.cargurus.com/Cars/inventorylisting/viewDetailsFilterViewInventoryListing.action?zip=83616&inventorySearchWidgetType=AUTO&showNegotiable=false&sortDir=ASC&sourceContext=untrackedExternal_false_0&distance=100&sortType=BEST_MATCH&entitySelectingHelper.selectedEntity=d3353 (2024/06/12-20:10:40) 235 100k? to 250k? md bobalytics LGA 1151(300) 2018 coffee lake(300) (8th gen) (9th gen) z390 LGA 1200 2020 comet lake (10th gen) z490 rocket lake (11th) z590 LGA 1700 2021 alder lake (12th) z690 2022 rapter lake (13th) z790 2024 meteor lake? (14th) works with 600 and 700 motherboards, no new chipset, no desktop? efibootmgr (2023/12/31-09:29:15) DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth done in 10 seconds (2023/12/31-09:29:44) DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth (2023/12/31-10:18:31) 92.1 prime: (208) 495-4364 75" Samsung Smart TV includes wall mount and feet - $450 https://boise.craigslist.org/ele/d/boise-75-samsung-smart-tv-includes-wall/7690592989.html UN75TU690TFXZA 1 Egg(s) 1 Teaspoon(s) vanilla 1 1/4 Cup(s) (2-1/2 sticks) margarine or butter, softened 3/4 Cup(s) firmly packed brown sugar 1/2 Cup(s) granulated sugar 1 1/2 Cup(s) all-purpose flour // 1 Teaspoon(s) Baking Soda // 1 Teaspoon(s) ground cinnamon // 1/2 Teaspoon(s) salt (optional) // 1/4 Teaspoon(s) ground nutmeg 3 Cup(s) Quaker® Oats (quick or old fashioned, uncooked) // c chips // walnuts // pam spray // 208 850-1724 (2023/12/18-03:06:25) last week s10 e20 dec 10 freight trains nothing on elon episode yet A good candidate so far: https://boise.craigslist.org/pts/d/boise-topper-for-ford-pu/7688413705.html 37 days 689c2939f9203898840bdda3c5027b17@sale.craigslist.org 208-608-2557 bystander -> sympaethic -> active https://boise.craigslist.org/ele/d/caldwell-samsung-tv-curved/7700177462.html UN65KU6500F (208) 514-9386 35177cfa788e3ca888118e96513a4ba9@sale.craigslist.org A good candidate so far: https://boise.craigslist.org/pts/d/boise-topper-for-ford-pu/7688413705.html 37 days 689c2939f9203898840bdda3c5027b17@sale.craigslist.org 208-608-2557 buick fram PH3387A ? ---- prime ------- gen v // boys spinoff ---- HBO max ---- warrior superpowered DC Comix history documantery amazon: Knok at the cabin Babylon dungeons and dragons meg2 mob landhttps://webstickynote.com/ night sky tv show we have been watching afterlife 208 850 1724 mychart 7.50r16LT tire height 29.75 hole 115 mm lug holes 182mm far edge to far edge and 147 close to close each lug hole is 17.2 mm far - close is 35 + hole total is 34.4 235/85r16 nathan 208 238-1171 6 APN Name Red Pocket APN ERESELLER Proxy Port Username Password Server MMSC http://mmsc.mobile.att.net MMS Proxy proxy.mobile.att.net MMS Port 80 MCC 310 MNC 410 Authentication Type None APN Type default,mms,supl APN Protocol IPv4 APN Roaming Protocol Bearer Unspecified MVNO Type IMSI MVNO Type 310410x Ingredients 1x2x3x 5 peaches , peeled, cored and sliced (about 4 cups) 3/4 cup granulated sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt For the batter: 6 Tablespoons butter 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup granulated sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup milk ground cinnamon bob chamber 24 x 21 4 spaghetti olives posta foil mushrooms onion meat tomatoes bell papers cheese pea soup list peas potatoes onion parsley carrots celery meat mushrooms beans: beans onion mushrooms potato meat meatloaf: salt, pepper ground beef 2 lbs 2 eggs onion 1 cup milk 1 cup bread crumbs mushrooms 2 tablespoons brown sugar 2 tablespoons prepared mustard 1/3 cp ketchup mix and put on meatloaf 350 for hour pot roast list: meat foil mushrooms potatoes onion carrots celery Worcestershire sauce pea soup list peas potatoes onion parsley carrots celery meat mushrooms chili list zzz0 foil onion meat tomatoes beans bell pepper mushrooms black olives ---------------------- don't delete this ------------------- MyWebStickyNoteString427 -------------------------------------------------------------